
Foster student community.

Improve campus experience by delivering timely and informative content in an engaging and personally relevant manner to students and staff across campus.

University Montreal Lobby
University Montreal Corridor Screen

Your students live in the now.

Attract their attention in informing them of what is going on the campus with communications anchored in real-time to be relevant.

Highlight important events, achievements or news in order to increase student participation in their community life.

Campus could be vast infrastructures and are not always easy to navigate.

Provide adequate orientation tools to students, teacher, staff and visitors thanks to digital signage.

University Montreal Corridor Screen
University Montreal Lobby Big Screen

In the even of a campus-wide security threat or emergency, give the power to your security team with the right tools to quickly react and inform with full or partial-network messages and updates.

What type of content to present

  • Campus life annoucements (LSAT’s sign-up, schedule changes…)
  • Campus news & world news
  • Real-time data (weather, RSS feeds, API, etc.)
  • Upcoming events & happenings
  • Sports team results
  • Social feeds & student-generated content, social highlights
  • Wayfinding through interactive map
  • Alert of evacuation, Alert for unauthorized person in the establishment, Alert for medical assistance
  • Students services, partner ads & promotions: cafeteria, coop, sponsors
  • University Montreal Lobby Big Screen
  • University Montreal Restrooms Screen
  • University Montreal Study Room Screen
  • University Montreal Corridor Screen
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