
Your folks are the heart of your event. Give them voice.

Get your attendees involved and let them engage with your event by sharing their experiences with everyone.

Bring the online conversation to life.

Showcase live social media content with advanced filters (Twitter, Instagram, private social network) to add value to your event.

Bonus effect: increase visibility and expand the reach of your event.

Event Big Screen Forever 21
RDV Design Social Wall - Questology

Transform ambiance of your events with collaborative social media activities, live Q&A, games, etc.

Inform your attendees in real-time with up-to-date information and rich content by controlling what is going on your experiences.

Create premium interactions and visibility for your corporate partnerships and exhibitors.

Offering them new platforms to get exposure and premium attention-grabbing spots:
– Sponsorship of the social hub
– Display videos
– Posts or slides that feature sponsor or vendor content

For an organizing committee, it’s a turnkey solution that adds value to your event.

Outdoor Screen Bell Street City
Venue Event Interview Major Screen I SEE MTL

Give an additional tool to your security team to make targeted prevention and enhance crowd control through general announcements and security guidance in the event of a crisis.

What type of content to present

  • Schedules & basic information
  • Sponsors messages & advertisements
  • Directions / Wayfinding
  • Video & Live streaming
  • Social Feed & UGC
  • Social activation & highlights
  • Live APIs: Uber, Lyft, Public Transit, Weather
  • Emergency alerts & security
  • Event Screen #5A9MCCORD McCord
  • Event Screen Conference #BOOMXP
  • Event Conference Screen I SEE MTL
  • Event Big Screen Forever 21
  • Event Big Screen
  • Event Burgers Social Wall Screen
  • Event Tradeshow Frontwall Les Affaires Screen
  • Event Screen Artist FMD
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